Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guest Interview - Gary Bellis

I am very grateful to have been able to engage in conversation with Gary Bellis. Right away it was mentioned that he has been in ministry for 37 years, which was awe inspiring to me because of the average low numbers for pastors' dedication in many churches. Gary is a soft spoken man, which is refreshing to see every now and again. I like the fact that he thought before he spoke, and wasn’t quick to spill out opinions. The amount of wisdom Gary acquired over his time in ministry was evident in his speaking. When he mentioned that his two greatest passions were discipleship and missions I immediately pictured Christ during His ministry on earth. Simplicity would be a great word to describe Gary’s characteristics, in the sense that he is confident in God to the point where a calmness is revealed on his face. Amongst all the incredible traits I noticed about Gary, the one that impacted me the most was the transparency he presented into his personal life. He spoke about some of the struggles he faced amongst leadership in the church and some of those issues were certainly difficult to speak on. When I asked him about his personal devotional life, it brought a smile to my face, because he even answered the question to begin with... and secondly, because he responded “first thing in the morning.” It was inspiring to see a well seasoned leader in the church sitting in front of a bunch of future ministers and just talking life to us.

“I’ll do anything short of sin to reach people to Jesus.” –Gary Bellis

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