Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Guest Speaker - Dan Miller

Dan Miller, Senior Pastor at Back Harvest church spoke with us this week. Right away it was obvious that Dan had a special anointing of the Holy Spirit on his life. One of my favorite things about Dan was how transparent he was in speaking to us. Something that I was encouraged by was when Dan spoke of the outpouring of church funds he put into The Rock Recreation Center, which was founded by him. Often times churches will use their money to buy newer equipment, better pews, and a lot of other secondary things. The Rock Recreation Center is an awesome program similar to the YMCA, which allows children and adults to have a safe Christ centered environment to grow in every way possible.
When I looked at Dan Miller I recognized him as a very well balanced individual, in many aspects, including his marriage. His tips on marriage were solid and well received, such as: never yell at your partner, compliment your wife daily, and most importantly do not bring up issues of the past. I think any marriage could benefit from these three ideas. Since I am called to Pastoral Ministries, to hear encouraging words from Dan and then being prayed over was extremely special. The Holy Spirit was evident in class yesterday and I am very grateful to have met Dan Miller.

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